Sunday 28 February 2016

Tamagoyaki / Dashimaki Tamago (Japanese Rolled Omelet)

Tamagoyaki, Japanese rolled omelet. This is really quick and easy meal, very nutritious and Japanese people have this for breakfast. They prepare this in a rectangular frying pan but we can make this in a normal round  pan. Here is simple recipe for you all to try. 

  • Eggs 3 nos
  • Milk 1 tbsp
  • Carrot 1 tbsp, finely chopped
  • Onion 1 tbsp, finely chopped
  • Spring Onion 1 tbsp, chopped
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper 1/4 tsp 

Put the eggs and milk into a bowl, add salt and whisk well. Now pass this mixture through a fine sieve. This is very important step because it removes the chalaza, so the dish will have a fine texture and it will contain less cholesterol. Add the finely chopped carrots, onion, spring onion and black pepper, now stir well. 

Lightly grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and turn on the heat. Once the pan is hot pour in 1/2 egg mixture and cook on low flame until it half done. Roll the omelet half way from the right to the middle. And move the egg roll to the right edge of the pan. If there is not enough oil, lightly grease the pan each time you roll up. And add in 1/4 egg mixture to cover the left half to the pan. And cook until half done. And roll again halfway up from the right to the left and move the egg roll to the right side of the pan. Add in the remaining egg mixture and cook until half done. And finally roll all the way up. Now remove from the pan and wait to cool before slicing it up into thin pieces with a sharp knife. 

NB: Please chop the ingredients very fine pieces else will be deficit to roll the omelet. After cooking, if you want can place the tamagoyaki in a sushi rolling mat and roll up tightly to get a solid roll. Its a good idea to make sure the roll is tight and easy to cut. Otherwise also it comes out well, but please wait to cool down the omelet completely before cutting into rolls. Enjoy cooking.. 

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